Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oh, Bama, no!

The following post is what usually makes me talk outloud at night into a furious sweat. Here's a tagline, are you ready? Obama should be booed by the people who voted for him.

As usual, I have to give a disclaimer here. My disclaimer is that this past election was very hard for me. People call me a McCain supporter because I voted for McCain. The truth is, I can't stand John McCain either. During the campaign, I couldn't stand the thought of either McCain or Obama in the white house, and I hoped and hoped that some person who is not a total poser would join the presidential race at the last minute. Knowing that the chances of that happening was very slim, I did some research. I found that McCain had actually accomplished something during his many years in politics, an idea that is foreign to some. I also found that Obama had accomplished NOTHING during his mere 3 years as a senator. And even though I disagreed with a lot of the bills and such that McCain had passed, at least he proved to me that he could approach a problem and come up with a solution. Obama gave me no such proof. The only thing that I did notice about Obama is that he skittishly danced away from highly controversial topics, and never really took a stand on them. That's a convenient way to make sure you don't offend anyone, right? In short, I voted for McCain because I determined that he was slightly less awful than Obama.

We all know who won.

So many people who call me a "racist" because I don't support Obama are completely oblivious. I've found that most people followed the race, and as soon as he won the presidential seat, they put their full trust in him, and ceased watching the news or anything else to stay updated on what he's doing anymore. It's like he's god, or autopilot, and no one thinks that he can do anything wrong. The conversations I've had with some of these people are completely asinine. No one can tell me why they trust him. No one can tell me what qualifications he has, and no one can tell me even what he's done since his inauguration. Here are some qualifications that people have actually attempted to pass by me: "His qualification is that he was elected by the American People." Yeah, just like every other president. Sorry, but a qualification is something that comes BEFORE you elect someone. "His qualification is that he's not George Bush." Well, that means that EVERYONE is qualified to run the country (that's a scary thought!). BTW, I don't know if you realized this, but John McCain is, in fact, not George Bush either. "His Qualification is that he's the first black president." How is the color of his skin ANY qualification whatsoever? No one praised Washington for being the first white pres. "His qualification is that he inspires people." (Keep in mind, these are ACTUAL things people have said to me) Hitler also inspired a lot of people. Inspiring people does not qualify you to be president! I've seen inspiring scribbles from a crayon done by a 5-year-old. Maybe we should put a 5-year-old in the white house.

Anyway, this post is not about the premises on which Obama was elected into office. My biggest gripe is about the people who voted him in who have no idea what he's even doing now. I have nothing against a person who genuinely voted for him after doing research and determining that he was the best option.

During the presidential debate between Obama and McCain, McCain suggested that one way of helping the economic crisis would be to freeze budget spending in certain departments. McCain got ripped apart by the media and by Obama himself for making such a "ludicrous suggestion". Then, the VERY FIRST THING that Obama signed, the day after his inauguration, was a budget freeze for white house payrolls, and no one said a thing. I actually thought it was a good move, and I remember thinking to myself, "well, maybe he will prove me wrong afterall," (no one wants Obama to prove me wrong more than myself). But, then, I found out that the government, or, I'm sorry, the American people, via taxes, shelled out 80 million dollars for Obama's inauguration party! Am I the only one that sees something wrong with that? Obama has said several times, "we are in this together! The government shouldn't be comfortable until the rest of America is!" Well, how about we get rid of his stretch Cadillac Limo then? Why did he spend so much on his own party? I don't know of any other Americans who are blowing 80 million on a party to celebrate themselves! It's gets worse. Obama wants to add his wife to the payroll. Why? Is he afraid of not being able to make his mortgage payment? I mean, everything is basically given to him, it's not like he needs extra income. He also wants to add his mother to the payroll since she watches his kids. What grandmother wouldn't want to spend time with their grandkids for free? I could maybe understand paying for a babysitter, but your own mother!? Not to mention that Obama himself wouldn't be paying for it. The taxpayers (you and me) will. How many of you parents ever got someone else to pay for your babysitting bill? If we are truly "in this together", Barack, then pay for your own damn babysitter! (Sorry, Mom.)

I could go on forever about details, but I won't. To sum up a few more things, his stimulus packages (which CEO's of major companies are frigidly afraid of) are very faulty, and will bring the national debt higher than it has EVER been in America's history. And he also expects to stimulate the economy by implimenting financial tactics that were used after WW2. But, alas, his ideas are just not at the same caliber and I don't foresee it being even a fifth as successful as it was in the 40's and 50's. His list of earmarks is a mile long (earmarks were also something that he protested strongly against during his campaign).

I have to keep digressing, I could go on forever. But the main point is this: Obama has already gone against his word on several issues, and he has already broken promises, and he's only been in office for a month and a half! And no one is noticing because no one is freaking paying attention. Now, I know that there are some people who are paying attention to Obama. I don't know if any of those people are reading this, but I just wonder; has your opinion of Obama changed? I don't understand how anyone that voted for him can still be supportive. If I had voted for him based on his campaign, I, personally would be very disappointed in him so far. Is anyone disappointed? Or, are you like most Obama supporters that I have personally talked to who have no idea what he campaigned for, and were just more interested in voting in the first African-American president? At least you're a part of making history, right?

Anyway, writing this has opened up a whole other topic that I want to talk about, but I'll save that for later! In the meantime, I think I'll sleep a lot better tonight!


  1. I love hearing someone speak their mind. Lets hope that things work out. Now for my opinions:

    I agree about inauguration stuff. I have thought for years that ANY inauguration party, dance, get together etc should be done away with.

    In regards to the car, every new president gets a new car and every one is more fancy. Just like cars every where else, they just get more fancy and more expensive. I think this is sorta ok, I mean we don't want anyone getting shot or killed.

    In terms of other stuff keep up the hard work in voicing your opinions. I find alot of stuff interesting. I don't think of myself as a knowledgeable person politically whatsoever. If you could put links or references to things you find that would be sweet. THanks man


  2. Oh Michael how you make me giggle. I've heard all of these arguments like nine million times before but you really do know how to write to make me laugh.

  3. Well, he definitely should be protected. So get him an armored car, not a cadillac. He needs a car that can take bullets, not wipe his butt for him, or whatever it is that luxury stretch cadillacs do.

  4. I am also amazed at how lax people are about the 32 NEW government programs that were included in Obama's stimulus package. Any state who takes the money is then obligated to implement the programs, and keep them running. The money supporting the start up of these new programs runs out with the stimulus.(Can we just stop calling it a stimulus since it really isn't a stimulus?) After that each state will have to find a way to self budget the new programs. In other words, it will further deplete each states funds, which translates to higher state taxes for yet again, the individual taxpayer. How is that for stimulating the economy? Also attached to the bill by many of our government representatives, ie: pork barrel spending and pet projects are give aways. For instance,83 billion...yes that is million with a "B", BILLION dollars for the earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax.
    And talking about having to pay for Mr. Obama's party, I say Mr. because I don't believe that he carries enough qualifications to merit the title of President, add to that ridiculous show of opulence, 200 million to fix the grass in the National Mall after the aguguration. 200 million on grass? Personally, I think our representatives are smokin' the grass. The stimulus bill was a bill of greed put together by selfish people who know only one thing to care about...themselves.
    Nancy Pelosi, when the stimulus package was being first looked at stated that the package needed to have three guiding principles, that the provisions are "timely, temporary, and targeted. If we heap too much on top of the package," she said, "it will take us deeply into debt" I guess she just forgot to claify what timely, temporary, and targeted meant and what exactly is heaping? The gluttonous activity of our government led by Obama reminds me of being invited to potlucks. Everyone is suppose to bring some food to share but there are always those who never bring anything to the table, yet they are first in line and heap a ridiculous amount of food on their plates oblivous to the people waiting in line behind them who need to eat too. unfortunately for us, in the case of Obama and his government cronies, the American middle are the people at the end of the line, the ones who have brought all the food but who get to eat the porkers scraps. One of Obama's favorite lines of rhetoric now and while he was running for President is "sharing the wealth" Maybe he should put HIS money where his mouth is and he and the congressional entity should lead by example.
    And don't even get me started on his Socialism schemes, putting Michelle and the mother on payroll, or the little dark pink lacy see-through dress Michelle wore for the cover of People Magazine. The dress cost 395.00$. Here is an outlandish quote by Tracy Reese, the dress designer, printed in the Daily News, "I'm appreciative because it means I have an opportunity to dress her[Michelle]. It also means means a lot to women across the country that they can also afford something First Lady is wearing." I don't know about the rest of you ladies, but I can't think of a time in the near future when I will be able to afford a dress for 395$, or when it will mean a lot to me to dress like a slease. See that is the problem, none of these people live in the real world that Obama is creating. The world where, as stated by Obama, the American people are too weak,and only the government can save them. The world where sharing the wealth means robbing from the poor and giving to the rich. Where is that foxy Robin Hood when you need him?
    By the way, Michael, I accept your apology for your word usage.

  5. Ok hold on now. I will be the first to say that the stimulus bill isn't the greatest idea in the world. But to say it was made with greed only to help greedy people is a bit ignorant, there is way too much stupid spending, that I agree on but I think alot of the "stimulus" is and can help alot of people. And I think that some of the people honestly think that it will help. I don't claim myself to be an economist but from what I understand there are lots of them that think this might actually work. Who knows, I guess that is just my optimistic view/attitude ;)

    And again I think voicing opinions about tactics, politics, or policies is totally legit and I encourage it. When we begin to attack, criticize, or judge is where we should all draw the line. Even I, if I don't agree with the politics or decisions of Ex-President Bush, I still firmly believe with all my heart that he made many heart felt and honest decisions. I think he truly wanted the best for our country and I think he got a lot of crap because it didn't work out like he wanted it to. That is how I feel about Obama. I think he is brand new at this just like anyone of us would be. I think he has already made alot of dumb decisions, but I honestly believe that many of the things he has done will benefit alot of people in need.

    And sister Hardy, in regards to that dress, I agree with you, $395 is alot for many people. I think the point that was trying to be made (and maybe I am wrong) is that many of her predecessors went to the $5 - $10 THOUSAND dollar dresses. ;) But again, maybe I misread that.

    Keep up the hard work mike, I like your stuff!!!

  6. Ok. Cor, you touched on one of the points I was trying to make. You said that Obama is "brand new" at the president thing. That's why I didn't vote for him, because all he did for his mere 3 years as a senator was fill a vacant seat. He never proved that he was able to tackle a governmental problem.
    Sure, McCain would have been brand new at the president thing too, but at least he has proven that he is able to approach a problem, and come up with a valuable solution. Yes, Obama wants to do what is best for the country. But he is just too inexperienced, and that is why he has already made so many dumb decisions. We needed an experienced leader. We didn't even know Obama's name 3 years ago.
    And, Mother, "will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see? Do you hear the people sing? Do you hear the distant drums? It is the music that they bring when tomorrow comes!"

  7. Mike, I agree with you. John McCain has been around for years and has done great things. The problem now is we just gotta rally behind him / and our other leaders to get things done. At least 4 years :) Then lets hope Romney gets in there, I liked him.

    And sister Hardy, Please don't take anything I said offensively, I just feel strongly that personal attacks in anyway are ignorant and immature. For example, I feel strongly about gay marriage and that whole prop 8 thing. And I know others do/did. But when they took it to the level of attacking others (church members/leaders) that is when it was wrong.

    Thanks guys, now I gotta go read mikes other post.

  8. Cor, I didn't take anything you said offensively, however, I do feel that you need to know that I was not speaking out of ignorance. I have studied the stimulus package, and while I agree with you that there are parts which are good,which will help some people, 10%, according to the Wall Street Journal,your statement, "there is a lot of stupid spending" is exactly what I was talking about. They call it pork barrel spending,or pet projects, and they were interjected into the bill by representatives that receive personal gain by passing massive programs on to the American people. If that is not greed then I don't know what is. So when I said that the bill was put together by greedy people, I was speaking about the 90% of the stimulus package that is there to pad the politicans pockets. And it was Obama who said that he would not allow pork barrel spending, and pet projects into the stimulas package, yet he did and he knew they were there.
    Also when I said that the middle American people were left to eat the porker's scraps I was referring to the term pork barrel spending.
    I was not attacking, critizing, or judging I was only pointing out some things that are going on. I have read what a lot of economist have said and I can tell you that there are also a lot who are very dubious about the success of this bill. When is the last time you went out and borrowed money to pay off your debts? Would it work for you? Why would it work for America? I did not say anything about whether or not Obama had the best interest for America at heart, I just said that he is inexperienced and it shows in the decisions he has been making. I state again, I was not attacking them personally I was attacking their greed in putting together a stimulus package that has been called, even by democrats, a spending package that has too little to do with actually helping our economy. If Obama and his goverment cronies were the faces that showed up as those who were greedy, then that can't be my fault.
    The thing I will apologize for is the reference to Michelle Obama that might have been construed to sound as if I was calling her a slease. I was not.
    No hard feelings, just want you to know I was not speaking ignorantly.
    Michael, where can I sign up?

  9. Mark my words " President Obama will be the worst president in history!"
