I believed that Obamacare was unconstitutional, but I would be an idiot to argue that now. Luckily, The Supreme Court did strike down the unconstitutional mandate, thus satisfying my desire to be right about something. Unfortunately they also ruled that if we were to simply change the term "individual mandate" to "tax" that then it magically becomes constitutional. Ok, whatever, so it's constitutional now, but it's still bad medicine. The philosophy of universal healthcare is great, but it just doesn't work. There are just too many problems that I don't feel like addressing right now. Just ask Canada.
And believe me (I know you won't believe this, but it's true!), I tried to see the good in this. I thought, "ok, maybe it's not so bad and I'm just being a regular ole' stubborn cynic, per usual." But I couldn't wrap my head around a few things.
For instance, now that it's a tax and not a mandate, I should be happy! Reason is, you see, because I don't make $250,000 annually, so my taxes aren't going to go up. Right, Barack? Oh, sorry, didn't mean to bring up yet another botched campaign promise . . . But I still should be happy, because the constitutionality has been proven and that was my only hangup! Except that your healthcare overhaul also includes several OTHER tax provisions in no way related to healthcare. Oh, well, at least I don't have to fund abortion! Oh . . . Stupak squealed . . . Moving on.
My first reaction was something like this: "&#IWKROPUFP(*Q&@#!*)@!*Y*HF{.
Obama and others adamantly denied that it's a tax before the bill is passed, because, seriously, a new tax would look bad and no one would have voted for it:
I would hardly consider a "mandate" more appealing, but what a clever way to disguise a tax. And now, "Obama say 'tax good!'" And followers say "tax was bad, now tax good."
Please, do not be that person who supported Obama when he made the "it's not a tax!" argument, and then continue to stand by him when he says "See, it's a tax!" You look like a wagon-jumping idiot -- void of awareness, abundant with blind loyalty.
And now we have opened floodgates to the possibilities of the government's broad and ill-defined access to tax power. It would be even more scary to think about if, say, we had a president who was getting on-the-job-training after being elected by the American Idol generation who get their news from Comedy Central. It's not like electing an unknown senator who had zero legislative, business, economic, or leadership experience would be a bad idea, right?
Here's the kicker -- I actually think that Justice Roberts, who was the swing vote for this decision -- is helping the cause of the GOP, and maybe even on purpose. Read what he said about the decision:
“Members of this Court are vested with the authority to interpret the law; we possess neither the expertise nor the prerogative to make policy judgments. Those decisions are entrusted to our Nation’s elected leaders, who can be thrown out of office if the people disagree with them. It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”
In other words, "You're on your own, suckers!"